Join Forces
your Friends,
Payments money emoji

Spleet Cash helps you and your friends quickly split payments for every service.

spleet landing image Split process image welcome to spleet cash image

Finally, you can retire awkward
conversations with your friends about
settling their cut of payments. 😮‍💨

How does it work?

Spleet Cash in
3 simple steps


Input the total count emoji

Your friends will know the total payment
to be split and what it’s for. note emoji

spleet amount mockup


spleeting? think emoji

Let. Your. Calculator. Breathe sad emoji

Invite your friends to accept their cut
of the payment. Spleet Cash does the math.

spleet members mockup


Pay money emoji

After your friends have agreed to their cuts, make the payment. shake emoji

spleet payout mockup

How does it work?

Spleet Cash in
3 simple steps

1 Input the total count emoji

Your friends will know the total payment
to be split and what it’s for. note emoji

2 Who’s spleeting? think emoji

Let. Your. Calculator. Breathe sad emoji

Invite your friends to accept their cut
of the payment. Spleet Cash does the math.

3 Pay money emoji

Once your friends have agreed to their
cuts, make the payment. shake emoji